"Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered." -Aristotle

Saturday, December 17, 2016

M. Kristina on vaccines

 In a world when one can be so distracted and consumed by social media, entertainment and (controlled) mainstream media we can forget about the real issues that are being manipulated by the government. M Kristina did a great job in expressing and explaining the certain benefits one can have if they choose to vaccinate themselves and their children in her blog. She mentioned some great references and examples to support her case. One point M Kristina did mention that I do very much so agree with is that knowledge on vaccine is very important and I feel that most parents and most people living in the United States do not know anything about them really, only that if you want to go to a certain school, have a certain job then you “need” one. Doing my research to learn more about vaccines and to expand my knowledge on vaccines I discovered that they are not this magical liquid that will protect you from it all. Vaccines can actually cause more damage than good to the human body. Especially with what the actual vaccine is made out of. Mercury being one of the main ingredients vaccines contain, is proven that, “there is no safe level of mercury for injecting into a human child” by the CDC. I am definitely not opposed to vaccines as a whole. I know sometimes they are needed in certain cases like life or death situations. My main argument is against granting the United States’ government the authorization and power to force everyone to get vaccines without the option of choice. This would take away from individual rights. Without that what else are we actually able to decide for in our lives. The public also needs to be educated about what is really going on behind the scenes with the pharmaceutical companies that control so much. Just recently the U.S Senate held a floor debate on HR34- “The 21st Century Cures Act” and was passed. This now gives the pharmaceutical companies even more control, now testing is not required based on Sec.2263. Vaccines sales are just a profit for these companies who generate over $35 billion in revenue and is projected to take over $57.8 billion by 2019. So of course they will use all their power to continue to profit from vaccines. In the end vaccines may be good or bad but we should leave it up to the person and or the guardians to continue to have the freedom to make that decision.  

Friday, December 2, 2016

Corporate Patriotism

 Bernie Sanders, a U.S. Senator from the state of Vermont, and candidate who ran for president in this year’s presidential election took it upon himself to inform the Americans, more importantly the middle class, on tax breaks that are promised even before the new president is inaugurated. The tax breaks Senator Sanders mentions is not one that president elect Donald Trump promised to the neglected middle class during his presidential campaign. This tax break ironically is for a billion dollar technology corporation that operates mostly out of foreign soil to potentially save around one thousand jobs that are still located on United States soil. Although saving jobs is definitely on a positive note, on the other hand allowing this wealthy corporation to have a tax relief can trigger other multimillion corporations to start to do the same and will additionally add to the middle class taxes. The corporations will want to take advantage of tax breaks they already do not deserve just so they can save the company money. In Senator Sander’s article with the Washington Post, he included substantial research to support the billions of earnings the company and their leaders and executives cash in. This demonstrates how the executives running the company are unwilling to cut back on their earnings to save thousands of jobs. Instead they benefit from a tax cut to not alter their lifestyles. Bernie Sanders urges America’s working class to stand up for their own deserved right of a tax break and to not continue to let (corrupt) corporate America achieve any more tax breaks at any expense. In my opinion this also demonstrates Senator Sanders years and knowledge as a public servant and passion he has for the American people most importantly the 99%. 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Pooja Finavia’s insight on student debt today.

Pooja, thank you for putting into perspective the struggles many people face today, when it comes to completing a higher education, myself included. I whole heartily agree with the concept of the government investing in the citizen’s education. This investment would not only benefit the person’s future but also the nation's future as well, as stated. As the United States is usually the “best” or the “first” of many things to other countries, it was alarming for me to read that there are other countries like Germany, Sweden and Norway that have already eliminated tuition. There is so much money the Us government permits to be spent on useless bills, local projects who do not have any benefit; yet there are students who are doing everything they can to get a college education. Pooja, had a great point as well, many students begin to study in college yet are forced to pause their education or put an end to it completely because the debt has become a big burden. Those students usually must start working but to realize that majority of jobs require college education and years of experience. This discourages many and prevents people from incorporating a change in the nation's improvements. On a positive note, Pooja referenced an article where the presidential nominees as of a few weeks ago have intentions on working on our nation's education concerns, especially at the college level. Many may think, well schools already offer financial aid, but honestly it is very hard for those that need help get that help. Just as an example, some students may have to work and go to school because they need to pay for bills and take care of their family but do not make enough to pay for it all and may live paycheck to paycheck. Those students could get rejected on the bases of “making too much money” but in reality they really need the help. In the end, I'm glad there are others that share the same opinions on the importance of education. I hope I will be able to see more help from the Us government in the near future.  

Friday, November 4, 2016

Us Government hates the Earth (sadface).

Recently, I watched a documentary on the dangers the world and it’s inhabitants face with climate change. To my surprise, climate change is a very important global issue that is present now and with time gets more and more fatal. I was always aware of the issue but after watching the documentary I learned important realizations and solutions that we can all contribute to today to save our future generations, the earth, and all it’s majestic creatures. 
    Here is a synopses on climate change. Climate change is when a high amount of carbon dioxide and other gasses are exposed to the air causing the Earth to become warmer. When the planet becomes warmer the sea levels rise causing the ice and snow to melt in the cold regions of the planet. This affects storms, to become catastrophes, floods, forest fires, droughts and animal extinction. Some may say these issues have always been around for centuries. This is true but what makes climate change such an urgent issue today, is how fast all these issues that I mentioned are becoming more severe compared to decades before. Not to mention research scientist had discovered years ago and research that has been proven today. 
   My initial thought, was wondering how many more people there are out there in the country and in the world clueless about this major current issue. Some may be like myself, not being up to date with the facts and what steps we can take to make a difference; or some may have been influenced by some of the government to believe it does not exist. This is in part with how many monopolies own and contribute money to the rights of the television media. So if a major oil company has a partnership with a news source it benefits them to not allow anything on the issue be mentioned because people will act against it and then their company will not be able to continue to grow. The government has the ability to spread important information to it’s citizens about certain issues they should also partake in spreading information about climate change.   
   Another surprising realization was that most of the United States Government officials do not believe in climate change and/or are very opposed to making contributions to the nation to make improvements. Just last year both Senate and House of Representatives tried to pass a bill granting them access to the Keystone Pipeline, and also wanted to make decisions by passing The President. This bill could have been very dangerous and adding to the harm to the climate change. Thankfully President Barack Obama vetoed the bill. Additionally, the improvements would go along with the current excess use of fossil fuels and other harmful sources of energy that effect the climate change. Surprisingly enough, the United States was one of the highest (if not the highest) contributors of carbon dioxide and energy sources that harm the environment. With that being said, our legislators and the citizens should take ownership and responsibility for the damage that the nation has done over many years and make adequate changes in the government to follow through on the necessary attention climate change needs.
   As citizens, we should participate more in local and national elections. By voting for representatives that believe in what we believe in laws and bills will be able to be passed and forced. Not only so representatives especially in the House of Representatives are there for us and for our needs and requests. If the citizens voice their concerns change will take place but only by doing so. Additionally the government and its legislators need to end the use of fossil fuels to reduce our carbon emissions. They will be able to do so by enforcing carbon taxes, placing a price on carbon. This would help accelerate technology and grow new industries. The government should invest in research for new outcomes. Lastly, protect the oceans especially to conserve the arctic and reforest the nation.  
   The consequences that we, and our future generations face if we do not make changes within our government is not only animal extinction and a lot of the world being affected by the rise of the sea. Fresh water supplies will be scarce and so will it’s wildlife. Additionally for those people that survive, they will face high debt from the causes of climate change. The damages the storms will leave per occurrence per family is being averaged out to 8.8 Trillion dollars as an average amount for future years for Millennials. Our nation’s economy will be at risk as well. 

   In the end, it is ironic that at the inception of this democracy Madison’s concept of fixing or controlling faction with the idea of being represented by government legislators would insure the idea that they would not be looking out for their personal interest but in the interest of the people. Argumentatively, based on history and current events that is what our government is doing. If the government had the interest in its people the government would have acted when scientist informed them on the issue or would be proactively making efforts that benefit climate change. So we need to act now and make our government take action as well to save the planet and future generations!

Friday, October 21, 2016

DNC is the Future.

Bruce Bartlett wrote one of those articles that subtexts “mark my words”, or eight years from now thinking back “wow that article I read in The Washington Post was right”. In his article called “Even after Trump loses, the GOP is still toast”, Bartlett predicts the Republican Party or “GOP” will become just as relevant as it is in the state of California, if Presidential Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton wins the election. Bartlett wrote this opinionated piece based on his credibility having worked as a domestic policy adviser for President Ronald Reagan and his experience working with Republican officeholders. Although having had many influence by the GOP side, his intended audience isn't directly towards one party over the other. Bartlett unbiasedly wrote his opinions simply based on the data he researched as his evidence and what even he said he was incorrect about a year ago. He has noticed so much change in a year in the GOP, and how much damage Donald Trump has caused that with how things are now, he voiced to all citizens what changes are to come. 
      Based on his research and knowledge, Bruce argues that if Clinton wins the current election then fast forward four years from now, Clinton will have a very likely chance of getting re-elected. This is something that the GOP is not prepared for. The party may just assume they will have a better candidate next time around but they do not see the take over in the Congress that will soon take place. Some congressman today are worried about this possible change and have chosen to not support Trump anymore. Although he states the change is something that the nation needs. With sixteen years of what would be Democratic presidents, the Supreme Court he says would become majority liberal. With having a Democratic President and with Democratic control in the Congress many of the nations issues based on what the average voter supports would be tackled. 
    Towards the end Bartlett, expresses that the DNC will not hold the office forever but that the GOP will need a strong leader to bring the party back to control compared to the era of 1994 to present day. But as of right now the changes that are to come are positive for the nation as a whole. Apart from doing this critique, as a reader I agree with the current events that I've seen in the past couple of months. It makes sense and it adds up. The campaign slogan for Donald Trump has been “Make America great again”, but maybe ironically he must lose so that way America can be great again based on what Bruce Bartlett predicts. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Humans vs Humans

The Us. Government has ongoing issues that have been around for years, but with the up coming Presidential Election the issues arise more often and are frequently discussed. Immigration, specifically has been a very popular issue that has sparked high controversy. Additionally, immigration has even been a key factor for support in candidates. Caitlin Dickerson informs and tries to convince New York Times readers of a one sided explanation on the issue in her article “Obama Administration Is Quietly Delaying Thousands of Deportation Cases”. The article’s argument explains how the number of illegal immigrants that live and that continue to enter into the United States is solely due to the Obama Administration. Dickerson explained how countless cases keep being pushed back to help with cost issues far back until 2023. She also blames the administration for not being strict on the laws. In her attempt to back up the claims, Dickerson uses “expert” opinion such that of Paul Schmidt, a retired Immigration Judge and Sarah Rodriguez, a spokesperson for Immigration Customs Enforcement. She also referred to an opinion article from the New York Times from 2014. Lastly, she also included a memo from a Chief Immigration Judge, Print Maggard. The author although, did not demonstrate her credibility on the issue or even so explain how much of an importance this issue is to the United States or background on the issue for the New York Times readers. It seems as though Dickerson’s purpose for her article was more so to address her opinion on immigration by blaming the current President’s Administration in a bias way. Without concrete evidence other than opinion evidence. Reviewing the articles comments, it proves the audience she was addressing. The hateful comments coming from predominantly Republican supporters. In all, the article lacked structure, concrete evidence and background information on the issue to educate the reader. The article more so stirred the pot to add to the ongoing arguments amongst the parties in this Presidential Election.   

Friday, September 23, 2016

Business as usual on Wall Street.

During a Senate banking committee hearing that took place on Tuesday, September 20th 2016; Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (Democratic) brought to light unbelievable information  regarding the CEO of Wells Fargo, John Stumpf, and other Senior Executives part in the fraudulent scam on Wells Fargo’s customers. Emily Peck at The Huffington Post, investigated and explained to the readers why it was that Wells Fargo employees were able to get away with scamming the customers to in return make more cross sells and profit more money for over 5 years. The fraudulent scam resulted in Wells Fargo employees opening thousands of bank accounts for customers without their consent. This caused customers to be charged fees, they had new credit cards opened without their knowledge and all for hitting a quota. The quota was definitely made. With the CEO alone ranking up in 200 million in gains on his Wells Fargo stock. GOP found it hard to believe that it took over five years for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to get in involved in this scandal. Peck explains GOP was against their new rules to help the customers be able to stand up against huge corporations like Wells Fargo. It was hard for customers prior to the new rules of the CFPB to take action against Wells Fargo was because of it’s fine print in the customer’s contract. Stating customers could not join forces to sue or let alone have a public lawsuit regarding Wells Fargo. These kind of articles are so important for the 99% to be informed on the importance of maintaining in the know of what is happening and to protect yourself from fraud. To me it was even more heartwarming to know there is Senator out there that cares and has the public interest’ in mind.