"Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered." -Aristotle

Friday, October 21, 2016

DNC is the Future.

Bruce Bartlett wrote one of those articles that subtexts “mark my words”, or eight years from now thinking back “wow that article I read in The Washington Post was right”. In his article called “Even after Trump loses, the GOP is still toast”, Bartlett predicts the Republican Party or “GOP” will become just as relevant as it is in the state of California, if Presidential Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton wins the election. Bartlett wrote this opinionated piece based on his credibility having worked as a domestic policy adviser for President Ronald Reagan and his experience working with Republican officeholders. Although having had many influence by the GOP side, his intended audience isn't directly towards one party over the other. Bartlett unbiasedly wrote his opinions simply based on the data he researched as his evidence and what even he said he was incorrect about a year ago. He has noticed so much change in a year in the GOP, and how much damage Donald Trump has caused that with how things are now, he voiced to all citizens what changes are to come. 
      Based on his research and knowledge, Bruce argues that if Clinton wins the current election then fast forward four years from now, Clinton will have a very likely chance of getting re-elected. This is something that the GOP is not prepared for. The party may just assume they will have a better candidate next time around but they do not see the take over in the Congress that will soon take place. Some congressman today are worried about this possible change and have chosen to not support Trump anymore. Although he states the change is something that the nation needs. With sixteen years of what would be Democratic presidents, the Supreme Court he says would become majority liberal. With having a Democratic President and with Democratic control in the Congress many of the nations issues based on what the average voter supports would be tackled. 
    Towards the end Bartlett, expresses that the DNC will not hold the office forever but that the GOP will need a strong leader to bring the party back to control compared to the era of 1994 to present day. But as of right now the changes that are to come are positive for the nation as a whole. Apart from doing this critique, as a reader I agree with the current events that I've seen in the past couple of months. It makes sense and it adds up. The campaign slogan for Donald Trump has been “Make America great again”, but maybe ironically he must lose so that way America can be great again based on what Bruce Bartlett predicts. 

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