"Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered." -Aristotle

Friday, October 7, 2016

Humans vs Humans

The Us. Government has ongoing issues that have been around for years, but with the up coming Presidential Election the issues arise more often and are frequently discussed. Immigration, specifically has been a very popular issue that has sparked high controversy. Additionally, immigration has even been a key factor for support in candidates. Caitlin Dickerson informs and tries to convince New York Times readers of a one sided explanation on the issue in her article “Obama Administration Is Quietly Delaying Thousands of Deportation Cases”. The article’s argument explains how the number of illegal immigrants that live and that continue to enter into the United States is solely due to the Obama Administration. Dickerson explained how countless cases keep being pushed back to help with cost issues far back until 2023. She also blames the administration for not being strict on the laws. In her attempt to back up the claims, Dickerson uses “expert” opinion such that of Paul Schmidt, a retired Immigration Judge and Sarah Rodriguez, a spokesperson for Immigration Customs Enforcement. She also referred to an opinion article from the New York Times from 2014. Lastly, she also included a memo from a Chief Immigration Judge, Print Maggard. The author although, did not demonstrate her credibility on the issue or even so explain how much of an importance this issue is to the United States or background on the issue for the New York Times readers. It seems as though Dickerson’s purpose for her article was more so to address her opinion on immigration by blaming the current President’s Administration in a bias way. Without concrete evidence other than opinion evidence. Reviewing the articles comments, it proves the audience she was addressing. The hateful comments coming from predominantly Republican supporters. In all, the article lacked structure, concrete evidence and background information on the issue to educate the reader. The article more so stirred the pot to add to the ongoing arguments amongst the parties in this Presidential Election.   

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