"Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered." -Aristotle

Friday, November 4, 2016

Us Government hates the Earth (sadface).

Recently, I watched a documentary on the dangers the world and it’s inhabitants face with climate change. To my surprise, climate change is a very important global issue that is present now and with time gets more and more fatal. I was always aware of the issue but after watching the documentary I learned important realizations and solutions that we can all contribute to today to save our future generations, the earth, and all it’s majestic creatures. 
    Here is a synopses on climate change. Climate change is when a high amount of carbon dioxide and other gasses are exposed to the air causing the Earth to become warmer. When the planet becomes warmer the sea levels rise causing the ice and snow to melt in the cold regions of the planet. This affects storms, to become catastrophes, floods, forest fires, droughts and animal extinction. Some may say these issues have always been around for centuries. This is true but what makes climate change such an urgent issue today, is how fast all these issues that I mentioned are becoming more severe compared to decades before. Not to mention research scientist had discovered years ago and research that has been proven today. 
   My initial thought, was wondering how many more people there are out there in the country and in the world clueless about this major current issue. Some may be like myself, not being up to date with the facts and what steps we can take to make a difference; or some may have been influenced by some of the government to believe it does not exist. This is in part with how many monopolies own and contribute money to the rights of the television media. So if a major oil company has a partnership with a news source it benefits them to not allow anything on the issue be mentioned because people will act against it and then their company will not be able to continue to grow. The government has the ability to spread important information to it’s citizens about certain issues they should also partake in spreading information about climate change.   
   Another surprising realization was that most of the United States Government officials do not believe in climate change and/or are very opposed to making contributions to the nation to make improvements. Just last year both Senate and House of Representatives tried to pass a bill granting them access to the Keystone Pipeline, and also wanted to make decisions by passing The President. This bill could have been very dangerous and adding to the harm to the climate change. Thankfully President Barack Obama vetoed the bill. Additionally, the improvements would go along with the current excess use of fossil fuels and other harmful sources of energy that effect the climate change. Surprisingly enough, the United States was one of the highest (if not the highest) contributors of carbon dioxide and energy sources that harm the environment. With that being said, our legislators and the citizens should take ownership and responsibility for the damage that the nation has done over many years and make adequate changes in the government to follow through on the necessary attention climate change needs.
   As citizens, we should participate more in local and national elections. By voting for representatives that believe in what we believe in laws and bills will be able to be passed and forced. Not only so representatives especially in the House of Representatives are there for us and for our needs and requests. If the citizens voice their concerns change will take place but only by doing so. Additionally the government and its legislators need to end the use of fossil fuels to reduce our carbon emissions. They will be able to do so by enforcing carbon taxes, placing a price on carbon. This would help accelerate technology and grow new industries. The government should invest in research for new outcomes. Lastly, protect the oceans especially to conserve the arctic and reforest the nation.  
   The consequences that we, and our future generations face if we do not make changes within our government is not only animal extinction and a lot of the world being affected by the rise of the sea. Fresh water supplies will be scarce and so will it’s wildlife. Additionally for those people that survive, they will face high debt from the causes of climate change. The damages the storms will leave per occurrence per family is being averaged out to 8.8 Trillion dollars as an average amount for future years for Millennials. Our nation’s economy will be at risk as well. 

   In the end, it is ironic that at the inception of this democracy Madison’s concept of fixing or controlling faction with the idea of being represented by government legislators would insure the idea that they would not be looking out for their personal interest but in the interest of the people. Argumentatively, based on history and current events that is what our government is doing. If the government had the interest in its people the government would have acted when scientist informed them on the issue or would be proactively making efforts that benefit climate change. So we need to act now and make our government take action as well to save the planet and future generations!


  1. In this original editorial concerning climate change, Yada presents some very compelling points to her readers, all of which I couldn't agree with more. Climate change and global warming are real and an ongoing issue. We human beings, as capable inhabitants of planet Earth, need to acknowledge this as a fact and take action. We are destroying our own future.

    Climate change is a controversial issue, though it shouldn't be. There a multitude of reasonings behind the denial of this issue. Large-scale companies and corporations like Exxonmobil and the Koch brothers have a firm financial incentive to ignore the facts. However, Michael Ranney, a professor of law at UC Berkley believes the denial of global warming is due to a "wisdom deficit," meaning there is a lack of comprehension in the mechanism of global warming. People genuinely do not understand what is happening when scientists say the Earth is warming. It is actually a misconception that light energy is trapped in the atmosphere because it bounces between greenhouse gases and the Earth's surface. What is actually happening is that Earth transforms visible light to IR light energy, which happens to leave the Earth slower because it is being absorbed by the greenhouse gases. We increase the amount of greenhouses gases in the atmosphere by doing the most simple things, such as driving to school, heating our homes, etc.

    Polls, specifically the Gallup poll (as of March 2016) approximates that 65-70% of people believe and show a fair amount of apprehension about global warming. This percentage is greater than it has ever been in the past, still however, it is not 100%. Some of the [approximate] 30% that deny the occurrence of this issue include those who help regulate and create legislation for our country. Like Yada stated in her post, even government officials (including president-elect Donald Trump) refuse to accept climate change as a truth, even though there is clear evidence as provided by scientists and those who study climate. This problem draws a thick line dividing the two parties. The majority of those who believe in climate change are liberals, whereas conservatives lie on the opposite side of the spectrum. Again, similarly to what Yada asserted, participation in elections other than presidential elections is crucial. By electing officials who will vote to implement or create regulations on decreasing toxic emissions and by even cutting back on our own emissions, we have the ability to fix the problem surrounding global warming.

  2. The main point of Yady Garcia’s original editorial is that society needs to be more involved in government. Mostly to save the planet because global warming and environmental issues are very real and important. The evidence that this author uses includes information about a bill promoting access to the Keystone Pipeline. Then she states how Obama vetoed this bill. There are also some statements about scientists and their research. I personally don't think there is enough supportive evidence. I believe adding some statistics, some research quotes from reliable qualified scientists, or some direct evidence on climate change would have made the argument stronger. The presented evidence is consistent with the article, but in my opinion is not sufficient enough for me to judge the article. I need some more concrete insight into how global warming is effecting society including facts in the form of data and measurements. I agree with the world view that the author present’s, but Yady Garcia needs to consider the other side. By doing this I mean that an understanding of why some people do not think the environment needs help or even that global warming is not real. These are the people that need to be convinced so that change can occur. I already agree with the article, which is why it is so interesting for me to read. I completely agree we need to be more involved in government to make changes that will effect our world. I am terrified that our new president is planning on appointing Myron Ebell to head the EPA transition team and this man believes global warming is “silly.” This is one example of a person who would not agree. There are also many people in society that think the same way as this individual. These people would need a stronger argument with more proof to come to an insightful conclusion.
