"Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered." -Aristotle

Friday, November 18, 2016

Pooja Finavia’s insight on student debt today.

Pooja, thank you for putting into perspective the struggles many people face today, when it comes to completing a higher education, myself included. I whole heartily agree with the concept of the government investing in the citizen’s education. This investment would not only benefit the person’s future but also the nation's future as well, as stated. As the United States is usually the “best” or the “first” of many things to other countries, it was alarming for me to read that there are other countries like Germany, Sweden and Norway that have already eliminated tuition. There is so much money the Us government permits to be spent on useless bills, local projects who do not have any benefit; yet there are students who are doing everything they can to get a college education. Pooja, had a great point as well, many students begin to study in college yet are forced to pause their education or put an end to it completely because the debt has become a big burden. Those students usually must start working but to realize that majority of jobs require college education and years of experience. This discourages many and prevents people from incorporating a change in the nation's improvements. On a positive note, Pooja referenced an article where the presidential nominees as of a few weeks ago have intentions on working on our nation's education concerns, especially at the college level. Many may think, well schools already offer financial aid, but honestly it is very hard for those that need help get that help. Just as an example, some students may have to work and go to school because they need to pay for bills and take care of their family but do not make enough to pay for it all and may live paycheck to paycheck. Those students could get rejected on the bases of “making too much money” but in reality they really need the help. In the end, I'm glad there are others that share the same opinions on the importance of education. I hope I will be able to see more help from the Us government in the near future.  

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