"Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered." -Aristotle

Friday, December 2, 2016

Corporate Patriotism

 Bernie Sanders, a U.S. Senator from the state of Vermont, and candidate who ran for president in this year’s presidential election took it upon himself to inform the Americans, more importantly the middle class, on tax breaks that are promised even before the new president is inaugurated. The tax breaks Senator Sanders mentions is not one that president elect Donald Trump promised to the neglected middle class during his presidential campaign. This tax break ironically is for a billion dollar technology corporation that operates mostly out of foreign soil to potentially save around one thousand jobs that are still located on United States soil. Although saving jobs is definitely on a positive note, on the other hand allowing this wealthy corporation to have a tax relief can trigger other multimillion corporations to start to do the same and will additionally add to the middle class taxes. The corporations will want to take advantage of tax breaks they already do not deserve just so they can save the company money. In Senator Sander’s article with the Washington Post, he included substantial research to support the billions of earnings the company and their leaders and executives cash in. This demonstrates how the executives running the company are unwilling to cut back on their earnings to save thousands of jobs. Instead they benefit from a tax cut to not alter their lifestyles. Bernie Sanders urges America’s working class to stand up for their own deserved right of a tax break and to not continue to let (corrupt) corporate America achieve any more tax breaks at any expense. In my opinion this also demonstrates Senator Sanders years and knowledge as a public servant and passion he has for the American people most importantly the 99%. 

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