"Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered." -Aristotle

Saturday, December 17, 2016

M. Kristina on vaccines

 In a world when one can be so distracted and consumed by social media, entertainment and (controlled) mainstream media we can forget about the real issues that are being manipulated by the government. M Kristina did a great job in expressing and explaining the certain benefits one can have if they choose to vaccinate themselves and their children in her blog. She mentioned some great references and examples to support her case. One point M Kristina did mention that I do very much so agree with is that knowledge on vaccine is very important and I feel that most parents and most people living in the United States do not know anything about them really, only that if you want to go to a certain school, have a certain job then you “need” one. Doing my research to learn more about vaccines and to expand my knowledge on vaccines I discovered that they are not this magical liquid that will protect you from it all. Vaccines can actually cause more damage than good to the human body. Especially with what the actual vaccine is made out of. Mercury being one of the main ingredients vaccines contain, is proven that, “there is no safe level of mercury for injecting into a human child” by the CDC. I am definitely not opposed to vaccines as a whole. I know sometimes they are needed in certain cases like life or death situations. My main argument is against granting the United States’ government the authorization and power to force everyone to get vaccines without the option of choice. This would take away from individual rights. Without that what else are we actually able to decide for in our lives. The public also needs to be educated about what is really going on behind the scenes with the pharmaceutical companies that control so much. Just recently the U.S Senate held a floor debate on HR34- “The 21st Century Cures Act” and was passed. This now gives the pharmaceutical companies even more control, now testing is not required based on Sec.2263. Vaccines sales are just a profit for these companies who generate over $35 billion in revenue and is projected to take over $57.8 billion by 2019. So of course they will use all their power to continue to profit from vaccines. In the end vaccines may be good or bad but we should leave it up to the person and or the guardians to continue to have the freedom to make that decision.  

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